Distiller’s Nose was born out of a passion, bordering on obsession, that I have long had with fine alcoholic beverages and all that entails.
I love to explain the processes that go into the making of your favourite drinks, I also really enjoy helping people to reach there potential.
I studied at The International Centre for Brewing and Distilling (ICBD), Heriot Watt University Edinburgh, I work the summers at Glenfiddich Distillery.
Having graduated with an honours degree, I started with Thames Distillers, a small independent gin distillery that is fast becoming an industry powerhouse.
Whilst at Thames I worked with a novel distillation system and learned some of the finer points of gin.

It was with great excitement that I worked with Bombay Sapphire as a distiller as they installed the new distillery at Laverstock Mill, giving me a unique experience of some of the largest scale gin operations in the world.

The biggest honour has to be being invited back to my old university, it continues to be an honour, huge fun but not with out challenges at times as an Assistant Professor of distilling.
The rest of the time I enjoy all the usual things exploring Scotland both in Edinburgh and further afeild cooking and eating tasty food, not to mention a good local pub.